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Marie Lall has been working on India since 1993 when she conducted her doctoral research at the London School of Economics on the political and economic relationship between the Indian government and the Indian diaspora. The thesis was later published as a book (India’s Missed Opportunity, Ashgate, 2001 – republished by Routledge in 2019).
Since then she has expanded her research expertise to multiple sectors including foreign policy, geopolitics, energy security, regional security, political economy, diaspora politics, national identity, citizenship, education and the effects of globalisation on governance. She spends on average 5 month a year in the South Asian region.
See her India publications here.
Between 2015 and 2018 she was UCL’s Pro-Vice Provost for South Asia.
She lead on the formulation of UCL’s South Asia strategy, coordinating targeted engagement to build new and deepen existing partnerships with India’s top four HEIs: Indian Institute of Science (Bangalore), Indian Institute of Astrophysics (Bangalore), Indian Institute of Technology (Delhi) and All India Institute of Medical Sciences (Delhi).
UCL Provost Professor Michael Arthur at AIIMS in 2018​​​​
She was a part of Minister of State for Universities, Science, Research and Innovation Jo Johnson’s delegation on Prime Minister May’s India visit representing UCL at the India-UK Tech summit in Nov 2016.
Prime Minister Modi at the India-UK Tech summit in 2016
She co-lead the India Voices programme celebrating India’s 70th anniversary of independence in 2017. The programme kicked off with a Difficult Dialogue’s conference on the availability of healthcare in India in Goa. The India Voices Festival showcased some of the best collaborative work between UCL and Indian partners. Watch here.
With Dr Abdullah Abdullah at Difficult Dialogues
In 2019 Marie Lall’s work was honoured at the House of Commons and she was named as one of the 100 most influential people on UK-India relations.
Key projects in India have included:
She was Founding Director (Research) for IRDSE 2019-2020 – setting up a premier research institute on school education in Delhi. In its first year IRDSE focused on: “What works and why in Indian government schools?”
First webinar in June 2020 First fieldwork training day in February 2020
She co-founded HEEE (Health, Education Engineering and Environment) at UCL with Professor Monica Lakhanpaul and Dr Priti Parikh (2016). HEEE was granted $600,000 by the Medical Research Council to trial a new methodology on the project: Integrated Health, Education and Environmental (HEEE) intervention to optimise infant feeding practices through schools and Anganwadi networks in India – renamed PANCHSHEEEL (Jan 2017-2019). Download a PDF version of the project photobook.
Fieldwork in Banswara, schools and communities, 2017-2018
She was part of the IoE, Save the Children & EU, Delhi, India project : ‘Exchange of international best practices in education – Actions in India and Overseas’- Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA II) for Universalising Elementary Education (2011-2013).
She was Visiting Resident Fellow (April 2009) at the Zakir Hussain Centre for Education, JNU, India where she conducted research on the effects of globalisation on education and completion of an edited volume with IoE and JNU contributions with Prof Geetha Nambissan.