Marie Lall has been working on Burma/Myanmar since 2005 when she joined an international team teaching social sciences and research methods at Myanmar universities on a Konrad Adenauer Foundation funded summer programme. In Myanmar her research covers citizenship, education policy &reforms, mother tongue education, ethnic education, the peace process and the reform as well as foreign policy and geopolitics.
Currently, she is the lead expert on the EU Mobility Programme for Myanmar, an EU-funded Higher Education programme linked to ASEAN SHARE (European Union Support for Higher Education in ASEAN Region)
See her Myanmar publications here.
Professor Lall’s book Myanmar’s education reforms – a pathway to social justice? was published by UCL Press in November 2020 including a critical appraisal of the reforms and the November 2020 elections. Set within the context of Myanmar’s peace process and the wider reforms since 2012, Marie Lall’s analysis of education policy and practice serves as a case study on how the reform programme has evolved. Drawing on over 15 years of field research carried out across Myanmar, the book offers a cohesive inquiry into government and non-government education sectors, the reform process, and how the transition has played out across schools, universities and wider society. It casts scrutiny on changes in basic education, the alternative monastic education, higher education and teacher education, and engages with issues of ethnic education and the debate on the role of language and the local curriculum as part of the peace process. In so doing, it gives voice to those most affected by the changing landscape of Myanmar’s education and wider reform process.